Sunday 17 March 2013

New Pope Francis delivers first mass of papacy to crowd of thousands

 Pope Francis recites the Angelus from his Vatican apartment window and blesses the crowd in Saint Peter's square,Rome Sunday, March 17, 2013 (photo Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily News).
Pope Francis recites the Angelus from his Vatican apartment window and blesses the crowd in Saint Peter's Square
More than 150,000 gathered in St. Peter’s Square as Pope Francis delivered message about God's power to forgive. Earlier Sunday, Francis made an impromptu appearance before the public from a side gate of the Vatican prompting cheers

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis delivered his first Angelus prayer and blessing to a packed St. Peter’s Square Sunday.
The new pontiff was greeted by chants of “viva viva” as he appeared in the window of his papal apartment overlooking the piazza and flags from nations around the world flapped wildly.
The new Catholic leader smiled and waved warmly at the ecstatic crowd and spoke to the people using both prepared notes and spontaneous remarks.
Thank you for your welcome, and for your prayers," the first Latin America Pope told the people

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